They modeled for several magazines including Import Turner, Fast and Sexy and Playboy. From there, the twins’ modeling career took off. Sign up for our newsletter to get the best of VICE delivered to your inbox daily.The twins first started their careers as waitresses at a Hooters in Southern California, where they were featured in several Hooters calendars. To their credit, they do both have this going for them: At least they aren't Ronnie. Will Mike the Situation be able to tune in during rec time at his New Jersey correctional facility? Can Pauly D and Vinny truly love someone more than they love themselves, or each other? Are people really planning to watch this?

After SallyAnn Salsano and her 495 Productions created Jersey Shore (which she rebooted this past year), they made Snooki & JWoww, which for four seasons followed around the two cast members and best friends as they got married, had children, and complained about stuff, as well as the short-lived Pauly D Project, which had the famous DJ traveling around the country and getting into hijinks with his entourage, many of them his old friends from Rhode Island. This isn't Jersey Shore's first stab at a spinoff. It's too early to say how this will pan out-not just for everyone on the show, but for, well, the show itself. A dream come true? (And don't worry, yes: He is on a very strict and annoying diet.) What's more appealing in a man than the fact that his mom does his laundry? Maybe, in time, heaven will shine down on you even more, and you'll be able to replace her: doing his dishes, folding his clothes, telling him his haircut looks totally fine. Throw into the mix the rest of a large, very involved family-which includes a creepy uncle named Nino known for his propensity to flirt-and it's hard to picture doing much better. If you've ever wanted to live around the corner from your mother-in-law or rarely leave Staten Island, there's probably no better catch.

Actually, money in general probably won't be an issue. And do you like catch phrases? Do you enjoy a good prank? What about lavish cars or heavy gold chains or somebody whose hair routine has a good chance of frequently shorting your house's electrical circuit? You certainly won't have to purchase a blow dryer. He's kind and funny and has multiple stickers of his face stuck on his laptop. So who will you choose? Whose heart will you fight to win? Whose Jersey Shore clips will you go back and watch before making your appearance? Pick wisely. In the words of MTV.com, this will surely be "a reality-dating show unlike any other." (It sounds an awful lot like The Bachelor, but best not to think about things too hard.) The premise, as Deadline reports, is currently a vague yet simple one: You, the 20 eligible ladies, "will face off against one another hoping to avoid the elimination ceremony, while the boys must compete for the affection of the contestants as well." Oh, the obstacles that await you! If any of that sounds remotely appealing (details, unfortunately, are scant at this point), today is your lucky day: According to Deadline, MTV has just green-lit Double Shot at Love-an offshoot of 2008's single-season A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, if anybody remembers who she is.