Apparently, this broke something with Latex in non-interactive mode. Solution: At some point, the Auctex package in the Aquamacs distribution got updated from version 11.83 to 11.84. Problem: When I compile a Latex document from Auctex mode, the typesetting process hangs, and the Latex process buffer displays the following kind of error message: ! I can't find file `" -interaction=nonstopmode"'.

In PDFView, use the following configuration in Preferences → LaTeX: Preset: EmacsĬommand: "/Applications/Aquamacs Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient"Īrguments: -no-wait +%line "%file" Using TeXniScope The following line for ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el will cause AUCTeX (latex-mode) to use PDFView for PDF files, and TEXniscope to view DVI files: (setq TeX-output-view-style (quote (("^pdf$" "." "open -a PDFView.app %o") ("^dvi$" "^xdvi$" "open-x11 %(o?)xdvi %dS %d") ("^dvi$" "^TeXniscope$" "open -a TeXniscope.app %o") ("^pdf$" "." "open %o") ("^html?$" "." "open %o")))) PDFView is a free, open-source PDF Previewer that will automatically show you a refreshed preview of the document after it has been compiled. Use C-c C-c latex to compile.Īquamacs is in PDF mode by default.

Check out this tutorial - How to install SLIME+SBCL+Quicklisp into Emacs (you. Use M-x latex-mode (normally Option-x latex-mode in Aquamacs) to edit LaTeX files. I work on LaTeX documents pretty often, so I have fine-tuned my setup in a. Problems when compiling Latex documents Is there any PDF or youtube channel that explain everything in LaTeX I don’t want short thing, I want to learn everything from one full source.